I have been doing a very poor job of keeping up with my assignments in EDTS200... fortunately I am turning this all around and will be catching up and then some over the next couple of weeks. If you can find it in you to accept my late assignments I promise you will not be disappointed in what you see. I've been going through a bit of a rough patch in my life but that isn't an excuse for not doing my work.
Once I got so behind on my tasks I found it very hard to get back started. Now that I'm getting into the swing of things, however, I look forward to finishing this semester strong. Of course I will accept any penalties or demerits with the extreme nature of how late these assignments will be coming in but it will not stop me from trying my best to catch up and learn the programs and tools we've been covering in class.
It took me a while to really see how useful all of this material is, but even in the gymnasium or in the health room these lessons will help to make me a much better, more efficient teacher. I used to think that it was silly for a physical education major to need to know how to use microsoft publisher or webquest... but this information isn't only for the classroom, or to get a job. These programs make it easy to formulate and communicate ideas in much more organized and pleasing fashions.
I would like to apologize to you specifically Dr. Hossain. I didn't mean any disrespect by not keeping up with my assignments and I hope I haven't waited too long to try and set it right.
We'll be in touch soon, until then, take care...